Monday, November 03, 2008

Why do most young people like to have tooth implant

Why do most young people like to have their tooth implant instead of denture or bridge as dental implants has many benefits and the most reason its replace your lost tooth and act as a real tooth, giving them more confidence to face people and releasing stress and avoid embarrassing when taking to people when the loose denture start to fall out. With dental implants the youngest can enjoy chewing and biting their food the way their real teeth act.

The cost of dental implants are more expensive then other kinds of false teeth as dentist has more work to do. First they have to drill a hole in the empty place where the implant is going to take place. The dentist will drill right down into the bone. This a very dedicate processed and its needs patients and time. Next when the hole is large enough, the dentist will screw a titanium screw down into it. Once the process is done a permanent tooth is add to the space. Not all people can have dental implants, only the dentist will tell whether you can have implants or not.


Friday, June 27, 2008

Dental implants are artificial tooth replacement of denture and bridge

With the introduction of teeth implants that are surgically implanted on your jawbone and take the place of natural teeth and give you the confidence to smile and show off your teeth. Dental implants are artificial tooth that are used to counter loss tooth and a popular replacement of denture and bridge and much stronger then denture and bridge. The cause of dental implants is more expensive then denture and bridge and dental implants are safe and are very high effective and beauty of implants to replace your missing teeth.

The first procedure that your dentist do, is to examination your mouth and teeth and to know the dental history of the patient and whether the patients is eligible to have the dental implants. As dental implants are mostly connected with the gum tissue and under lying of the mouth whereby a CT scan or X-ray are taken to give the dentist a good idea of your bone density and the shape of your jaw. Dental implants are safe and if risk arose it is only a minor one where it can easily be treated.


Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Dental implants serve as the roots of missing teeth.

Dental implant gives you back your confidence in your speed and you can able to smile again, the missing taste of good food and social engagement. Dental implants is a replacement of one or more missing teeth. Many people would prefer dental implants than dentures or bridgeworks as its feel more comfortable and looks like a permanent teeth to others. Dental implants are actually the threaded metal cylinders that serve as the roots of missing teeth.

The cost of dental implants is more expensive than dentures and other tooth replacement and most of the dental implants are not covered by insurance. Not all people are able to have dental implants. Healthy person which has healthy oral tissues, and have adequate bone to secure the implants and able to have a bone grafting procedure. Willing to commit to them self as dental implants takes several months to process. Most of the time its take eight months to a year to had a strong implants. The reason is to wait for the growth of a new bone in your jaw and also allow plenty of time to heal.


Monday, February 25, 2008

A dental implants is an artificial tooth

Dental implants brings a lot of changes in peoples lives as their could able to smile and enjoyed their food like they are having a original teeth. Besides not much people can difference between an original and a implants tooth. A dental implants is an artificial tooth that are fitted inside the jaws. It is a replacement for the root of the tooth which has been decay.

Dental implants cost can be very expensive depends on the kinds of implants we choose. It is most costly than a simple crown of cap. The cost of a single dental implants can cost you a thousand to two. With dental implants it is more saver and looks more attractive


Wednesday, October 31, 2007

With dental implants people have the confidence to smile again

Dental implants are designed to replace the root of a tooth and most refer as a substitutes for natural tooth and help people with better eating and increased thier chewing capacity. Beside with dental implants people have the confidence to smile again as it improved a person appearence and their speech. Dental implants is now aceppted by all walks of people even though failures do occur. People with adequate bone level and density who are not prone to infection and can maintain the best oral hygiene would be good candidates for dental implants.

Dental implants start with titanium screw that is inserted into the jaw bone. The procedure is that the gums is cut open to expose the bone. The dentist will drills a hole into the bone which allows to insert titanium screw into our jaw bone. Titanium is the metal of choice because it allows the surrounding bone to grow into and around it. When the screw has been inserted, the gums are stitched together. The patient will be under anesthesia at the time to relieve discomfort and pain.


Friday, August 24, 2007

Smokers has high failure risk of dental implant

A dental implant is an artificial tooth root replacement. For dental implant procedure to work, there must be enough bone in the jaw, and the bone has to be strong enough to hold and support the implant. Dental implant success is related to operator skill, quality and quantity of the bone available at the site, and also to the patient's oral hygiene. Various studies have found the 5 year success rate of implants to be between 75-95%. Patients who smoke experience significantly poorer success rates.

Risk of failure is increased in smokers. For this reason implants are frequently placed only after a patient has stopped smoking as the treatment is very expensive. More rarely, an implant may fail because of poor positioning at the time of surgery, or may be overloaded initially causing failure to integrate. If smoking and positioning problems exist prior to implant surgery, clinicians often advise patients that a bridge or partial denture rather than an implant may be a better solution.


Friday, July 13, 2007

Dental implants taking the place of denture

Dental implants which involves the reconstruction of missing teeth. The procedure is where implants bond biologically to the living bone tissue. Once united with the bone, they support your teeth firmly and safely.

More and more people will soon had their teeth implants over having dentures teeth in the mouth as dentures are a poor substitute for their natural teeth because its gives pains sometime and discomfort most of the time when eating, talking and even smiling. Besides dentures are not so nutural then dental implant.

Dental implants gives you the confidence in your smile when talking and you will feel eating and chewing are no longer be a painful experience. Dental implants help to preserve bone levels and a youthful facial appearance and prevent progressive bone atrophy and shrinkage.
